Friday, March 6, 2020

12 Brilliant Blogs for Learners and Lovers of Languages

12 Brilliant Blogs for Learners and Lovers of Languages 12 Brilliant Blogs for Learners and Lovers of Languages Ever feel like youre all alone out there in the big scary world of learning a new language?Like, youve got all the how-to walkthroughs and expert advice you could ever hope for, but youre just missing that  human touch, someone who really gets  what youre going through.As language learners, were people first, and theres nothing like a human perspective  to motivate us and remind us that were not alone in our endeavors.We feel frustrated by our own awkwardness in a second language, when we just cant figure out how to pronounce that one awful sound or when we hit a pothole on the road to fluency.Its easy to get discouraged when your language learning isnt progressing along perfectly according to plan, but dont give upâ€"there are plenty of bloggers out there who are living the struggle with you, and theyre writing  about it as they go!The Internet is crawling with blogs ranging from general linguistic geekery to learning  a specific language in a particular country. Sorting through all that digital noise  and trying to figure out which blogs to add to your reading list can be absolutely overwhelming, which is why  weve put together a solid  reading list for you.Weve mentioned some of these blogs on FluentU before (because we think theyre that awesome!), but most of them are fresh faces that were adding to our own content feeds.Here are 12 of the best language learning blogs on the Internet for powering up your language learning game and reminding you that youre not alone in your linguistic struggles. 12 Brilliant Blogs for Learners and Lovers of Languages1. Comical language learning: Itchy FeetLanguage learners across the web love  Itchy Feet  because its as hilarious as it is spot-on.Malachi makes  comics on every language topic you can imagine, and they nearly always deal with the struggles and frustrations that we learners face as we study and use the languages we love. And theres something about putting those everyday obstacles into comic form that just mak es for a great way to let go and giggle a bit at the weird linguistic world we live in.Some of the Itchy Feet comics are tailored to one particular language, but even those generally deal with the universal  anxieties and challenges of language learning. Popular posts like View from the Top  portray the shared struggle we all face in climbing to the top of Mt. Fluency.Theres also a super handy random comic  button at the bottom of the homepage, a solid way to click away an entire  afternoon while  yelling no, but its so true! at your computer screen.2. Self-taught success: Talk Foreign to MeDespite growing up with two passports and three languages in her home, Ruth of Talk Foreign to Me was a monolingual English speaker until her mid-30s. Throughout her youth she lived abroad, studied French and Spanish, and even did a Hebrew immersion course, but all to no avail. It seemed that linguistic greatness was just not in her destiny.But when she took a solo trip to Argentina in 2014 somet hing clicked, and she finally figured out how to teach herself  languages. Now she shares the fruits of her language learning labor on her blog.  Talk Foreign to Me is so appealing because of the firsthand experiences of  both success and failure that Ruth shares from her own language learning journey, both of which she spins into spectacular inspiration for her readers.Youll find tons of information here tailored to  learning French and Spanish. Even if youre not learning one of these languages, give her inspiration tag a click whenever you need that extra dose of positivity!3. Globetrotting language learner turned linguist: TravelenguaElica is a language-obsessed polyglot who turned her passion into a profession, and she writes about both at Travelengua. Her blog often views  language learning issues through the lens  of her studies  in Applied Linguistics, but fear not: She drops the jargon and does a great job translating  all that  science and theory into practical how-tos and actionable advice.The blogs best posts artfully blend Elicas academic perspective with her accessible personal one, like in  The Difference Between a Linguist and a Language Learner.Shes an expert, but one with a very human face who isnt afraid to share her own personal relationship  with languages in honest detail.4. Learning 19 languages in one city: Words and Worlds of New YorkEllen at Words and Worlds of New York documents the many languages and cultures of her city, as well as  her experiences interacting with and often learning them. Its a beautiful look at the linguistic and cultural layers of a global city like New York, as well as in many ways a practical guide to how you can learn a language without moving to  a far-flung  corner of the world.Ellens a language learners language learner, with lots of  great and thoughtful reviews of various learning products out there. If youre looking for a relatable personal perspective on learning and using a new language in day-to-day l ife, read some of her first-hand accounts of meeting speakers of her target languages in her home city, like this one on becoming an official Big Apple greeter.5. Its never too late to learn: Adventures in Midlife SpanishNewell never learned a new language until his 50s, and now hes debunking the myth that theres such a thing as being too old to learn a language. Adventures in Midlife Spanish chronicles his experiences both in Mexico and at home in Minnesota working with Spanish-speaking immigrants and refugees, blending the perspectives of learning abroad and learning in your own back yard.This blog is great at integrating language and culture and presenting them as two parts of one whole, like in Newells  post about joining a Hispanic congregation near his home in Minnesota. While this blogs  focus is on the Spanish language and Mexican culture, its  insights are golden for anyone who wants to learn a language as they near their golden years.6. Language learning without end: Langu age SurferLanguage Surfer is one of the most successful language learning blogs out there, and thats because Ron knows his stuff. This blog is in many ways about accepting imperfection in language learning: Ron says that you can never truly master a language, only surf it. He explains that he tries to coexist with it, figure out its patterns, and express myself in it, and one look at his blog shows you thats working for him.All language learners can relate to the struggles with imperfection that Language Surfer talks about. There are plenty of posts about personal experiences, like what it feels like  to fail a translation exam  and how to keep moving forward towards your goals after a setback.Weve definitely all been there, and sometimes its nice to know were not the only ones. Especially for the perfectionists in the room, Language Surfer is a worthwhile read and a personal look into a familiar challenge.7. Learning languages by blog and vlog: Lindsay Does LanguagesLindsay Does La nguages is the chronicle of the namesake authors  experiences and insights as both a language teacher and a language learner. Her goal is to empower you to teach yourself a language, and she does that best through the motivational and informative  combination of her blog and the accompanying vlog, videos from which are helpfully embedded in nearly every post.When you watch one of the videos Lindsay posts on her blog and vlog channel, you see an enthusiastic language teacher whos got the know-how but isnt afraid to let you see her own language learning endeavors as the works in progress that they are. Rather than lecturing you on the language topic of the week, Lindsay visibly learns along with her readers and viewers, like in her latest script challenge, where she shares her progress learning various language scripts from around the world.If you want a language teacher whos not afraid to do some learning right along with you, shes your gal!8. Slow and steady wins the race: The Polyg lot DreamThe Polyglot Dream is one of the better-known blogs on this list, and rightly so: Luca speaks ten languages fluently (and isnt afraid to prove it in video).When you find out that he only spends thirty minutes a day practicing a language, youre likely to assume that hes some kind of genius, but thats not the case. Hell show you over and over again that hes just like you and me: someone who loves languages and is never afraid to take on a new one.Lucas blog frequently confronts and debunks language learning myths, and its all based on his fine-tuned and scientifically solid philosophies. A good starting point is his discussion of studying vs learning a language, and what that means for how you approach your language learning goals. The Polyglot Dream will convince you that youre no different than the crazy hyperpolyglots of the blogosphere, and with the right tactics  you can follow in their footsteps!9. Language, travel and music: EurolinguisteThe Eurolinguiste is a musician by profession, and that offers her a unique perspective on all things language learning. Shannons  blog details her journeysâ€"both geographic and personalâ€"as she travels the world learning and practicing the languages it speaks.We already  know that music and language learning are a match made in heaven, so  Eurolinguistes  concert of helpful resources are perfect for helping  you fine-tune your own language learning strategies.  In posts like How Studying Music Made Me a Better Language Learner,  she offers not only a glance into her own background but into how you can use music for language learning.Aside from the more musically-inclined posts, Shannon also shares frequent updates on her own language learning strategies and progress, which she conveniently curates under the Language Resources category on her blog. Whether youve got the rhythm or youre totally tone deaf, Eurolinguistes tips and tricks will be music to your ears!10. News and updates from the lingosphere: All Thi ngs LinguisticAll Things Linguistic is the perfect blog for the general language geek who also happens to be interested in learning a language or two. Gretchen curates posts about, as you might expect, all things linguistic on this Tumblr blog, from funny charts and memes  to full-length scientific articles. Language enthusiasts beware: this blog will suck away hours of your time.Posts like the language learning link roundups are super practical for language learners. You may also be familiar with some of this bloggers more viral content, like her linguistic analysis of Doge that appeared on The Toast. If youre not just a language learner but an obsessive consumer of all things linguistic, youre sure to find a familiar sense of humor and take on language learning on this blog.11. Speaking from day one: Fluent in 3 MonthsNo list of language learning blogs would be complete without Benny the Irish Polyglot and his blog Fluent in 3 Months. This blog is built on the principle that any l anguage learner should be speaking and using their language from day one, no ifs, ands or buts about it. To that end, Benny frequently sets out to debunk the myths that keep us from speaking soon enough, like that Northern Europeans will only speak English to foreigners.Particularly helpful for learners looking for personal accounts of language learning is the success stories section of the blog. Here youll find firsthand accounts from Benny and other language learners of how theyve met their language learning goals, complete with advice on how you can do the same.12. The nuts and bolts of language learning: Language Acquisition NewsFor the scientists in the audience and those who need to understand the why before theyre satisfied with the how, Language Acquisition News is a priceless resource. Straddling  the categories of scientific journal and blog, Language Acquisition News pulls content  from its parent website  Science Daily  and curates a wealth of cutting-edge scientific fin dings  on language learning and language acquisition.All the other blogs out there have plenty of great tips on how to learn languages, but the articles youll find on Language Acquisition News are the scientific communitys most up-to-date understanding of whats going on inside the language learners brain and why that all matters. The great benefit is that so much of this research is directly applicable to your language learning, like this one on Learning in your sleep, the right way.Most of the articles on Language Acquisition News are written for a general audience, so you wont need a dictionary to get through it.  If you like to constantly learn about your own learning, scientific articles like these  can give you some priceless insights into whats going on inside your own head as you make your way through your own linguistic journey.These language learning bloggers understand your struggle!Learning a language can be the most frustrating, complicated, challenging, anxiety-inducing task in the world, but at the same time the most rewarding, energizing, and worthwhile endeavor. Most of the bloggers on this list are pros in some form or another, but even they struggle with the same ups and downs that the rest of us do.Following the right blogs is a crucial part of your language learning strategy because it reminds you youre not the only one. Whatever challenge youre facing in your own language learning, theres a blogger out there somewhere whos been through it too. And no amount of studying can replace the value of learning from others experiences!If youre looking for some blogs tailored to the language youre learning, weve got plenty of recommendations, from German and Japanese to Chinese and French.  Even easier, you could just sign up for our weekly newsletter below and get tips like these sent straight to your inbox!Do you have a favorite language learning blog that wasnt mentioned here? Tell us about it in a tweet to  @FluentU! Jakob is a full-time travele r, obsessive language learner, and dedicated language teacher. He writes about language, travel, and the many places they meet on the road at his blog Globalect.

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